Sunday, 30 April 2017

Double Cleansing Setelah Naik Gojek? (Skincare 101)

Hello beautiful people of internet!

Yup seperti yang tertulis di judulnya, kali ini saya mau bahas mengenai double cleansing. hmm disclaimer sebelum saya mulai membahas terlalu jauh incase ada yang bertanya-tanya kenapa setelah naik goj*k judulnya, well sebenernya ga spesifik goj*k sih, ya pokoknya kalau kalian merasa sering bepergian naik motor, kalian wajib baca ini (I guess).

Belakangan ini ojek online jadi salah satu moda transportasi paling diminati terutama bagi para kaum hawa yang ingin serba cepat dan tidak mau ribet. Bener kan? Well, saya juga termasuk pengguna ojek online garis keras. Naik motor setiap hari artinya kulit wajah kita terpapar radikal bebas, polusi, dan debu juga setiap hari. Apalagi jika kalian bepergian tidak menggunakan sunscreen, kalian baru saja mendaftar menjadi peserta pemilik tanda-tanda penuaan pada kulit wajah. Eits yang pakai sunscreen juga jangan senang dulu karena belum tentu bebas dari iritasi kulit kalau kalian malas membersihkan wajah. Jadi membersihkan wajah sepulang bepergian sama pentingnya dengan menggunakan berbagai skincare sebelum bepergian. Kalian tidak bisa hanya melakukan salah satu saja lalu merasa cukup.

Umumnya, skincare yang digunakan para wanita sebelum bepergian keluar rumah adalah: toner, serum/essence, moisturizer, dan sunscreen. Kalau kalian merasa sudah memakai itu semua, well, good for you. Tapi sepulang bepergian apakah kalian sudah membersihkan dengan benar? Hmm coba cek lagi. Tahap terakhir dari skincare itu umumnya sunscreen. Setelah itu sebagian wanita memilih untuk menaruh sedikit (atau banyak) makeup di atasnya. Nah tahukah kalian kalau sunscreen dan makeup tidak bertujuan/bekerja untuk diserap kulit? Umumnya mereka akan duduk saja di lapisan luar kulit. Jika kalian bepergian menggunakan motor, diatas makeup kalian akan duduk juga debu dari udara. Bisa dibayangkan kan tebalnya barrier makeup plus debu diatas kulit kalian yang menutupi pori-pori? Barrier ini jika tidak dibersihkan akan menimbulkan masalah seperti: komedo, white head, clogged pore, dan jerawat. Cara membersihkannya yaitu dengan melakukan double cleansing.

Apa sih double cleansing? Double cleansing, seperti namanya, merupakan tahap pembersihan wajah yang dilakukan dua kali menggunakan first dan second cleanser. Kenapa dua kali? Karena barrier yang duduk di atas wajah kalian tidak akan terangkat secara sempurna hanya dengan dibersihkan satu kali, apalagi jika hanya dengan sabun/facewash. Hal pertama yang harus diangkat dari wajah adalah lapisan barrier pertama yaitu debu dan makeup yang berada tepat di lapisan luar kulit wajah kalian. Hal kedua yaitu makeup, sunscreen, dan sebum yang sedikit menyerap dan duduk di dalam pori-pori kalian. Satu kali pembersihan umumya hanya mengangkat lapisan pertama. Lapisan kedua masih akan duduk dengan santai di dalam pori-pori kalian yang jika didiamkan terlalu lama akan menimbulkan masalah. Untuk itu, semua orang yang bepergian menggunakan motor, apalagi menggunakan makeup, wajib hukumnya melakukan double cleansing.

Cleanser pertama sebaiknya cleanser yang lebih heavy duty atau lebih mampu mengangkat kotoran hingga ke dalam pori. Misalnya berupa milk cleanser, oil cleanser, atau cleansing balm. Cleanser ini diharapkan akan melelehkan makeup dan menyerap hingga ke dalam pori untuk mengangkat sunscreen dan sebagian sebum. Cleanser kedua tugasnya lebih ringan yaitu membersihkan sisa-sisa residu makeup atau kotoran yang belum terangkat oleh cleanser pertama. Tapi menurut saran saya, bagi kalian yang menggunakan makeup sehari-hari, sebaiknya ditambahkan tahap pre-cleanse supaya pembersihan yang dilakukan lebih sempurna. Tahap pre-cleanse adalah tahap dimana kalian mengangkat makeup wajah dan/atau mata dengan pembersih makeup yang terpisah seperti dengan eye&makeup remover dan micellar water. Memang terlihat membingungkan dan ribet. Tapi percayalah kulit kalian akan sangat berterima kasih jika kalian melakukan double cleanse setiap hari.

pre-cleanse sweethearts

my first cleanser line

second cleanser babes

Melakukan double cleansing setiap hari sama artinya dengan memberikan kulit kalian napas. Karena seharian pori-pori wajah kalian tertutup oleh produk skincare dan makeup. Tapi jangan lupa untuk melanjutkan dengan double toning ya setelahnya. Apa itu double toning? tunggu postingan berikutnya ya!

Much love,

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Dear 11 Year Old Me..

Hello my dusty-rusty blog!
I decided to write this non-beauty-related post to start my 2017 blog life. I hope I can write/blog a lot this year mehehehe 😇

Oh well, also hello dear 11 year old Devy!! 😀✋
You're in 7th grade now, aren't you? Well, spoiler alert, junior high is going to be such a weird place for you. But don't worry you'll get thru this anyway. This year you'll meet and attached to Uyut, Isti, Feny, and Wulan. Have you met them? You have? cool. cherish them, okay? Because they will be there and help you get thru your junior high years  and you guys call yourselves "Connwact". No, I won't tell you why you guys named yourselves that. Oh and you'll get very attached to Uyut thru the years because she's such a great friend and a lovable and funny person. But mostly because her personality matches yours perfectly. Hahaha also she'll call you "Cipa". I can't remember why tho'. You'll be a bit weird too this year.. You'll do weird things with your friends, mostly guy. No.. not "that" kind of thing and it's not a bad thing actually.. it's just weird. But if you can manage to not do those things. I'll cherish that forever. 😐

8th grade won't be as great as 7th grade. You're not going to like this year apparently.. First, because Uyut, Isti, and Wulan won't be in the same class as you (so it's just you and Feny there). Second, because you don't feel like you're on the same page with most of your classmates. They will see you as a weird girl 😒. Third, you'll be a bit naughty because of the first and the second thing. You'll skip classes, get punished and not be able to go to english and indonesian language class, and be friends with older-and-bad guys. Fourth, your relationship with Connwact will also be weird this year because of the conflict between Feny and Wulan. But don't worry, you'll be still attached to each one of them, just not as a group. And you'll also meet new group of nice friends in your class. They are Nadia, Aldhiza (iki), Reza, Chandra, Aldika, and Reisha (he's not from the same class as you tho'). Yes most of them are boys. Because at this point you'll realize that most of your girl classmates are fake and always talk behind your back. Also this year you'll have a boyfriend 😂 and you two will be good friend until now. But let's not talk about that. Let's just talk about your trashy classmates. At the end of the year or at mid semester, I don't really remember when, your class will make questionnaire (or angket in indonesian) about various categories like, the prettiest, the funniest, etc. You'll be expecting your name shows up there as the funniest girl and guess what? your name will be there. Yes, your name, in your class questionnaire. But you'll be categorized as the weirdest girl. It'll make you sad and a bit shock at that time and you'll be even more sad after you hear why they categorized you as the weirdest girl. Hahaha fuck those stupid classmates. Please don't be too sad because at some point at your life you and the people around you who really love you will cherish your weirdness. In fact they will love you because you are different. Okay? So, Please. Just survive a little bit more. Just don't do weirder things! 8th grade will pass anyway.

Finally, your senior-junior-high year (what?) a.k.a 9th grade.  You're still stuck with the same classmates tho'. But don't worry, things will be better this year because you are at the point where you don't really give a fuck about them now. Hahahaha. This year you'll shine bright in studies. Because you are now be friends with smart girls in your class. They are Nadia (she's the same Nadia I tell you in your 8th grade), Widyastuti, and Diny. Four of you will be on top 10 in your class. Cool, right? You'll be excels in Math and English in your class and later you will become one of the Math Olympic candidate from your school. Hahahaha you won't make it on the first stage of selection tho'. But don't be sad you're still the cool kid because your school chooses you, right? Oh and remember your boy friends? Yes, Iki, Reza, Chandra, and Reisha. This year you will call yourselves "MxR" it's shortened from "Mixa Ranger" hahahaah how stupid is that name? It also includes Uyut in the group! They will put colors in your 9th grade year. You'll be laughing a lot with them and they'll make you forget about your other stupid classmates. And fiiinalllyyy National Exam comes. You'll pass the exam with high score on each subjects! You'll get 10 for Math!! You know what's even cooler? Your scores are the second highest National Exam score on your entire school! Wow! just wow! See? Life isn't that bad after all, right? So just hanging there a little bit and don't be too sad about what those rats say about you. Because you're gonna be on top of them at the end of your junior high school year. Cheer up little lady! And please don't be too melancholy. Hahahahahaha

Your almost-24-year-old self..